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4 Court and Testamentary Business, 1637.
Liber Z. [Warr]t agst These are in the Lord Proprietors name to p. 4 [Jo]hn Butler . [T]homas Smith will and require you that immediately you [Ed]ward Beckler attach or cause to be attached the persons of
John Butle[r] Thomas Smith and Edward Beckler of the Ile of Kent planters and them to keepe in safe custodie without baile or main prise; and to have them before me at St maries wth all convenient speed there to answere the severall crimes of sedition, pyracie and murther wch shalbe on the Lord Pro prietors behalfe obiected against them respectively: and for so doing this shalbe yor warrant. Given &c Vt Sup.
January warrant agst Andrew Chappell I
a warrant agst Andrew Chappell mariner at the suite of Thomas Pasmore carpenter, in an action of debt of 1200 wt of tobacco; to appeare at the Court on the third of ffebruary next, & to stand to the iudgemt of the Court. this action is withdrawen by the consent of the plf. IC James Cauther January warrant agt Jo: Hillierd 3 a warrant agst John Hillierd planter at the suite of Roger Moy, in an action of debt of five hundred & thirty pound of tobacco; to appeare &c. Vt supra. this day came Roger moy, and acknowledgeth himselfe to be satisfied by the said [John] Hillierd of the said sume of 530 l tobacco; & therefore withdraweth his action the mrke of + Roger Moy p. 8 [ ]uary [ ]th This day came before the Lieutent grall, Robert nicholls of St maries hundred planter, and acknowledgeth himselfe to owe vnto John Lewger Secretary, foure hundred & twenty sixe pounds of good merchantable tobacco, to be paid vnto the said John Lewger his heires exequutors admrators or assignes, at the first season of striking tobacco the next yeare; And except he shall so doe, he willeth and granteth that the said somme of foure hundred twenty and six pounds of tobacco shalbe raised and levied vpon the lands goods and chattells of him the said Robt Nicholls, his heires exequutors or admrators wheresoever they shalbe found. witnesse the said Lieutent generall Leonard Caluert sigum + Robt nicholls
this Recognisance is surrended; and a new taken after ward.
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