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Court and Testamentary Business, 1647—8. 369
passd in former times. And tht the plantaon (meaning W Liber A. Neales plantaon as this Dept beleiueth) or any thing ells tht was formerly his (to witt Mr Thorneboroughs) in Mary-Land he would confirme it unto him, & uppon this the sd Mr Thorne borough came up wth Mr Caluert & further meeting him the sd Mr Caluert att Yorke, he the sd Mr Caluert tooke the sd Mr Thorneborough by the hand, bidding him welicome & in this Depts hearing forgave him & spake the former words of guift, or such like to him & further he sayth not John Jarbo Recordant. Teste me Willm Bretton Clk
The eighteenth day of October 1647. Jan 26o In the name of god Amen. I ffrances Coxe of the Iland of Kent, in the prouince of Mary-Land in the parts of America gentlewoman, being of sownd memory & sences, thanks be to god therfore doe make & ordaine this my last will and Testa ment in the manner & forme following. ffirst I bequeath my sowle into the hands of Jhesus Christ my Redeemer from whence I receiued hope through his meritts & the meritts of his passion to obtaine remission of my sinns, & saluation of my soule, att the day of my birth. As for my Body I bequeath it to the earth from whence itt was taken, & to receiue decent & Christian Buriall according to the dis cretion of my Exequutor As for my wordly estate (my debts & funerall rites being really & faythfully discharged in the first place. I doe make Capt Robt Vaughan, now being absent from the Iland my lawfull Exequutor for the children. If in case tht he bee not well, or any casualty be befallen him. I make Henry Morgan the exeqr for my children hole & sole. This is my last will & Testamt wittnes my hand The x mrk of wittnes ffrances Coxe. Willm Lant ffrancis Lumbart. The prties attested these to be their hands, & tht the prty was of sownd memory att the making hereof. Before me Signe Record. Willm Bretton Clk. Giles Brent.
Jan 29o John Jarbo sayth uppon oath tht being in Virginia p. 129 uppon GouT Caluerts occasions, the sd Gour promised to send a boate downe to Virg. presently after the Pinnace arryued att Mary Land for this Dept to bring him vp againe. But noe Boate comming downe this Dept was forced to lay out 6. payre shooes of his owne, wch cost him 300' Tob John Jarbo
Volume 4, Page 369 View pdf image (33K) |
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