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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 334   View pdf image (33K)
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                  334     Court and Testamentary Business, 1647.


            Liber A. In the Complaint of Rich: White against John Rosier the

                  defendent answeres he ows hym nothing

                    No euidence appering the Court dismist the cause wthout



                    Court adiournd till Munday morning:


                    Nathaniel Pope Comp]ayneth against Willm Edwine for a

                  heifer the sayd Edwine detaineth his

                    warr to the shref:


               p. 91   Joseph Edlo at the request of Blanch Oliuer late wife of

                  Roger Oliuer deposeth that he heard Leonard Caluert Esq

                  deceased say that for the ox: he killed of hers at St Thomas

                  ffortt, he would giue her an ox as good as any he had some

                  tyme in June last:

                    Edw:    Packer deposeth the same:

                    teste me Robert Clarke Clk:


                    Richard white Complayneth against John Hollis for detayne

                  ing a cow in calfe worngffull to the dammage of 1000 l of tobb:

                    warr: grant to shref:


                    This wittnesseth that I ffrancis Gray ffor and in Consideration

                  of one thowsand pounds Wt of good & merchantable leafe tobb,

                  and two Sowes the Tobbaco to be payd at the next Cropp,

                  and the Sowes already deliuerd doe bargaine sell and make

                  ouer all the right and title of all Cattle what soeuer I haue in

                  Maryland of my marke vnto Mr John Hampton and doe like

                  wise auouch the sale of them against all person or persons

                  what soeuer, as shall lay claime vnto them

                    wittness my hand this 17th day of Aprill 1647

                            sign of               ffrancis Graye

                    wittnes Willi + ffreake: Rest: hollwis:


                    4th oct: John Hollis deposeth in the cause of Mr Speake he

                  hath no intrest in the Cow by hym demanded, and that he did

                  make choice of this cow he now demands.

                    Ordered by the Court, that John Hollis should haue one

                  darke red Cow out of his Lops stock wch by virtue of a warrant

                  vnder Leonard Caluert Esqr his hand then produced in court

                  he had made Choice of in ffebruary last, wth her increase since

                  that time.


                    Cuthbert Phenike demanded of John Hoilis 1000 l of tobb.

                  from the estat of John waivell deceased:

                    the defendent acknowledgeth the debt:

                    the plantiue recouerd:


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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