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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 28   View pdf image (33K)
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                   28     Court and Testamentary Business, 1638.


  Liber Z.     9th Aprill 1638

                  Captaine George Evelin acknowledgeth himselfe to owe

                    vnto the Lord Proprietr one thousand weight of tobacco &c.

                          The condition of this recognisance is that if the said

                        George Evelin shall vpon demaund bring in the body

                        of John Dandie into the Court, there to answere such

                        things as on the Lord Proprietors behalfe shalbe objected

                        against him; then this recognisance to be void &c.

                                                   George Euelin

                   Recogn coram me

                     John Lewger Secretary.


                                   Eod: die

                     John dandie acknowledgeth himselfe to owe vnto Captaine

                   George Evelin eight hundred weight of tobacco, to be paid

                   vnto the said George or his assignes on the of November

                   next. And if he shall not so doe, he willeth and granteth for

                   himselfe his heires exequutors and admrators that the said

                   somme of eight hundred weight of tobacco be levied vpon the

                   goods & chattells of the said John dandie wheresoever they

                   shalbe found.

                     Recogn coram me      R the rnrke of John dandie

                   John Lewgen Secretary


                     memorand that the foresaid recognisance is in consideration

                   of one yeares service remitted by the said George Evelin vnto

                   the said John dandie to commence from the day of the date

                   hereof; & the said John dandie is to find himselfe with all

                   necessaries during the said yeare.

                     this bill and my interest therin I have assigned vnto mr

                   John Lewger Secretary.

                                                   George Euelin

                   10th Aprill 1638.

                     memorandum that this day came Andrew Chappell, and

                   acknowledgeth himselfe to owe vnto James and Thomas Bald-

                   ridge or their assignes foure hundred weight of tobacco or

                   thirteene pound of beaver to be paid the tenth of november

                   next. And if he shall not so doe, he willeth and granteth for

                   himselfe his heires exequutors and admrators, that the said

                   somme of 400 l or 1 3 l of beaver be levied vpon the lands

                   goods & chattells of the said Andrew Chappell &c.

                     Recogn coram me             Andrew Chappell

                   John Lewger Secretary


   p. 58                   10th Aprill.

                     Memorand that this day came Jerome Hawley Esq and one


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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