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Court and Testamentary Business, 1638. 27
five of his servants (whereof Speed & Browne to be two) on Liber Z. to morrow night to worke with the said George Evelin for 10 working daies next ensuing; for the rate of 10 l of good tobacco p diem for every servant, to be paid on the 10th of Novembr next; and if the said George Evelin shall be willing to employ them after the expiring of the said ten daies, for ten daies longer or vnder, he is then to pay for them after the same rate
9th Aprill 1638
this day it is agreed betweene Capt. George Evelin on the one part, and Philip west, william williamson, and John Hopson on the other part, that the said Philip west, william williamson and John Hopson, are sett free to worke for themselves & to their owne accompt from the day of the date hereof vntill this day twelvemoneth, and then they are to returne againe to the service of the said George Evelin or his assignes according to their Indentures, and in consideration hereof the said Philip west, william williamson, and John Hopson, are during this next yeare to find themselves with clothing diett & all necessaries, and doe quitt their wages otherwise due vnto them by their Indentures; and doe covenant and bind themselves and each of them by hirnselfe covenanteth & bindeth himselfe severally his heires exequutors, and administrators to pay vnto the said George Evelin or his assignes, three thousand weight of tobacco good 8z merchantable on the tenth of November next, that jg one thousand weight apiece for each of them. These words [his heires &c] were interlined afore the signing Recogn coram me George Euelin John Lewger Secretary Phillip West the mrke of will: williamson
+ the marke of John Hopson 9th Aprill
Memorandum that this day the said Capt: George Evelin doth assigne over his foresaid debt of three thousand weight of tobacco due vnto him by the Recognisance aforesaid, vnto Capt: Thomas Cornwaleys Esq and one of the Counsell of this Province, and to his assignes George Euelin J ta testor John Lewger Secretary.
Eod: die came Thomas Morris and made oath that eleven pound of shott and one pound of powder or thereabouts wch was found in the chest of Zachary mottershead late of St maries gent deceased, was the proper goods of him the said Thomas morris; and onely laid vp in the said chest with the leave of the said Zachary mottesshead, for the safe keeping thereof.
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