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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 268   View pdf image (33K)
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                 268     Court and Testamentary Business, 1644.


 Liber P. R. John ormsby demandeth of the Admrator of Edmond Eason,

                  Tho. yewell; 300 l tob & cask for the price of a gonne of hoell

                  morgans vsed & lost by the said Edmond; the said hoell

                  morgans right of suit being come to the plf by a recovery of his

                  agst the said hoell morgan of 433 l tob.

                    warn del: return 1st June next, pill iudgmt


     p. 155      1644


                    Aprill 1. Nathaniel Pope complaineth agst Samuel Barrett,

                  for being concurring aiding & assisting, to the running away

                  out of the Pnov: on St marks day last of Edward Conne & henry

                  ifox apprentice servants of the plf to the damage of the plf to

                  the value of 4000' tob.

                    the said Samuel Barrett denieth that he was aiding assisting

                  or concurring to the running away of the pties mentioned in

                  the demand; & for triall putteth himselfe vpon his country.

                  And the said Nathaniel likewise


                    Thomas hebden appeared to psequute agst Edw. Hall, &

                  prayed to be admitted to prove his demand, in price of Edw:

                  Packer saying he had no instruccons to answere, and the Judge

                  admitted him to prove, & vpon his oath that his wife did

                  chirurgery vpon the legg of John Greenwell the manservt of

                  the said Ed. ball, & did diett him for 7 weeks, or thereabouts

                  for wch said chirurgery & diett the said Edw. hall agreed to

                  pay he beleeveth 190 l tob; beyond 20 l received in hand; &

                  hath received no satisfaction as yet for it; & that John Price

                  assignd 20 l tob to the dept to receive of the said Ed. hall:

                    the Judge found for the plf 210 l tob.



                    10 Robert Clerk complaineth agst Robt huett now of

                  Chickacoan for vnlawfull carrying away his servt henry Wroughta

                  out of the Province about the first of this month without his

                  privity, to the damage of the plf to the value of 1000 l tob.



                    1 6 Robt Saltes sheweth that he standeth bound to Thomas

                  baidridge in 300' tob & cask for the price of the freedome of

                  James Leech; wch said James Leach is since departed out of

                  the Province without mind of returning, therefore prayeth to be

                  putt in possession of the estate of James L each to that value, to

                  have wherewth to pay the said debt of his.


                   warrt to warne Tho. Sterman to deliver a chest wth contents

                  to the petr or shew cause 1st June, & meane while not to vse or

                  dispose of it at pill.


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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