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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 267   View pdf image (33K)
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      Court and Testamentary Business, 1644.    267


        the said franc Gray saith that the plf in May last vpon                            Liber P. R.

      agreemt betwixt them assumed to Ja. Cauther in his life time,

      to deliver in the bill to the deft being then the said Cauthers

      attorny in his absence,

      L.   G. And the Cort found for the plf 225 l tob, & 20 l tob

      Secr. for cask not discompted in discompt p file.


        nicolas Keytin demandeth of francis Gray exeqr of Ja. Cauther

      700 l tob due by bill

        the deft saith it is not due.

        for 745 And the Court found that the plf recover 500 l tob.


      Secr 40 July 1 2. 1644



    [act       exequ: for 745 l & 37. Sher: & 40. charge of Court.

       2.  answ.

       ffrancis Gray demandeth of marks Pheypo Adinr.


              of Thomas Pursall 1624 l tob due by acct for James

      Linsie manservt of the said Pursall

        the deft. denieth

        the Cort found for the plf 699' tob; but respited exequution

      till the acct of James Linsies share in the cropp be found.


        20 I doe authorise Capt william Brainthwait gent (in absence

      vd file of all the Counsell) to award processe, heare & deter

            mine any cause wherin mr Secretary shalbe plf or defendt

      & to grant exequution thervpon.

                                        Giles Brent.


        21. Cecilius &c. To all psons &c. At the request of Tho.

      Cornwaleys Esq, I doe hereby certifie vnto you that vpon the

      publique Acts & Records of this Province of Maryland there is

      a record of this tenor; viz: St maries febr: 1643. This day

      came into the Court Tho. Cornwaleys &c. (vt Supr: pa: 135)

      And in testimony thereof &c. witnesse Giles Brent &c.

      1644                                                                                                              p. 154

        25 Robt Ellyson barbr chirurgeon demandeth of Henry

      Brooks 300 l tob & cask for paines & charge of chirurgery.

        attachmt cü piculo iudicij retorn 24. Aprill next.


        Aprill 1. Cur: Provincial: cora Secret:

        John ormsby appeared to psequute ag. hoell Morgan, & he

      not appearing was admitted to prove his demand, & exhibited

      a bill of hoell morgans to the plf for 323 l tob, & made oath that

      it was a true bill and that he never received yet any satisfaction

      in whole or in part; and further demanded & proved as p acct

      vpon file. And the Court adiudged that the plf recover 433 l



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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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