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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 216   View pdf image (33K)
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                  216     Court and Testamentary Business, 1643.


  Liber P. R. said Sr Edmond shall putt in security to answere by himselfe

                   or attorny to the suit of Robt Ellyson in an action of debt of

                   1156 l tob at the Court on the first of March next; vpon his

                   pill of iudgmt to pceed in default. And then retorne &c.


                    Secret 1. March 1643. appeared the plf to prosequute, &

                   vpon the defts default, prayed to be admitted to prove his de

                   mand ; but the Judge thought fitt to respite further pceeding

                   in it till the next Court ; that the Leiuten Grall shall be present.


                    24. Richard Garnett demandeth of Thomas Orly satisfac

                   tion for a trespasse by killing 3. of the swine of the plaintif,

                   about the 14th of this instant month to the damage of the

                   plf to the value of 1000 l tob.

                    a writt of ne exeat, retorn px: cur


                    28 Thomas Mumms demandeth of Thomas Gerard 900 l

                   tob & cask, for so much vndertaken by him to the plf on behalf

                   of mr John Lewger, to have beene paid in June last, & 1000 l

                   tob for damage of non pformance.

                    warrt to the defendt to appeare 2th January next, vpon pill



                copie of an acquittance entred by Tho. Games.


                    This of March 1643. received of Thomas Games two

                   hogsheads tobaccos being marked & numbred as p margent,

                   qt seven hundred pounds grosse And for the vse & by the

                   appointmt of Philip white mariner. I say rec p me Fred



                    30. Peter draper made oath that vpon thursday the 28th of

                   this instant month, he came to Thomas Cornwaleys Esq, &

                   told him he had a lrë of advise from the Governr (meaning Mr

                   Leonard Calvert Esq) to demand of him 80 l for 2 bills of

                   exchange that were protested against in England, the one of

                   30 l the other of 10 l & he desiring to know what power the

                   depont had to demand it of him, the dept shewed him the lre of

                   advise & the lre of attorny, and the said Tho: Cornwaleys said

                   he would give him no more answere to it, but that there was

                   more due to him.

                   Jurat coram me

                    John Lewger.


                    Eod: Levie one thousand pound of tob on any the goods

                   debts or chattells of Thomas weston mercht for so much

                   assessed vpon him by Lieutt Grall & Counsell for defraying

                   the publique charges incurred for defence of the Province this


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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