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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 215   View pdf image (33K)
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         Court and Testamentary Business, 1643. 2 15


     1244 934 l tob for a pcell of neare 6. bbrels of corne; and 2 l of                   Liber P. R.


     2027 powder, valued by Cort at 60 l

     1244 and to the demand of 200k tob for a barrell of come,

         the said Jo. hollis saeth vpon oath that he oweth no part

      of it.


       John dandy sheweth that at a Court 5 Apr. last, there was a

      iudgmt recovered agst the petr by will. broughe, for 1 203 l tob.

      at wch time the petr had a discompt to be likewise pceeded

      vpon at the same Court agst the said broughe, but by default

      & contempt of the said broughe depting out of the Court, it

      could not; but the Court did then order that Exequution

      should not be made of the said iudgmt till the said broughe

      amended his contempt: & since that time neverthelesse the

      said broughe hath surreptitiously procured the said exequution

      to be served vpon the petr & therefore prayeth, that the said

      exequution be swpseded in the sheriffs bands, till the said

      Broughe shall appeare to the demands of the petr & was



       9. John Cole demandeth of John Elkin; 223' tob; due by



       Eod. attachmt vpon pson or cattell &c of Jo. Smith, to

      answere to suit of Robt Clerk at next Court in a cause of

      appeale; vpon pill of iudgmt then retorn.


       16 John Kendall demandeth of John Smith 120 l tob &


       warrt for pson or goods retorn rt febr.


       January 5. Robt Ellyson barbar-chirurgeon demandeth of

      Nicolas Hervey 955 l of tob; for the residue of an acct due to

      the plf for chirurgery & physick this last somer.


     vacat warning to Court on i 2th of this month, vpon pill



      Jan: 15. another warning to appeare afore 4d aftern:

       v. appear inf: 123.                                                                                  


       Eod. Robt Ellyson barber-chirurgeon demandeth of Sr

      Edmond Ploydon Knt 1 I 56 l tob due by acct of chirurgery &

      physick this last sumer for Ellen & Jane Stevenson, maidservts

      of the said Sr Edmond.


       1 5. Attach St Edm. Ploydens right of service in the psons

      of Ellen & Jane Stevenson & keepe it so attached vntill the


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 215   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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