Liber A.
pleased to referr to the most reverent and right hoble the
Archbpp of Canterbury the Lo: Keeper, the Lo: Privy scale
and any other the Comissioners for Plantacons who should bee
neere at hand and whom theire Lopps were pleased to call.
Wherevppon theire Lopps meeting after a full hearing of both
sides the said Pretenders Cofhissions being likewise read, theire
Lopps did declare the right and title to the Isle of Kent & other
places in question to bee absolutely belonging to the Lo:
Baltemore, and that noe plantacon or trade with the Indians
ought to bee within the prcincts of his Patent without Licence
from him As in & by the Order of theire Lopps more at larg
appeareth, these are therefore for the future prventing of
further mischeifes & Iniuries wch may arise from ignorant mis-
takes or prsumpcons & ptences as formerly in his Mats name
to phibit all psons being or inhabiting or wch hereafter shalbe
or Inhabit within the Govermt of this Collony by themselues or
others either directly or indirectly from the date of these
prsents to vse exercise or entertaine any trade or commerce
for any kinde of commodity whatsoever with any of the Indians
or Salvages inhabiting within the said Province of Maryland
viz: Northward from the River Wiconowe comonly knowne by
the name of Anancock on the Easterne side of the Grand Bay
of Cheseopeack and Northward from Chinquack nowe called
Great Wicocomico on the Westerne side of the said Bay And
for the better regulating of all Trades within the said Collony
It is further hereby commanded that noe pson shall resort vnto
the habitacons of the aforesaid Indians without Lycence first
obteyned for theire soe doeing from the Lo: Baltemore or his
substitute vppon forfeiture of the goods & Vessels or the full
value of them wch shalbe lawfully evicted to bee traded or
imployed contrary to the prmisses with such further punishmt
by ymprisonmt of the party or parties offending against the
true intent & meaning of the said Proclamacon as shalbe
thought fitt by the Governor & Counsell Given at James Citty
the 4th of October Anno Rs Caroli decimo quarto Annoq dni 1638
God save the Kinge
Vera Copia Rich: Kempe Secretary