the Island near Virginia which they have nominated Kentish
Island, should in no sort be interrupted in their Trade or Plan-
tation by you or any other in your Right, But rather be encour-
aged to proceed cheerfully in so good a work, We do now
understand that though your Agents there had notice of our
said Pleasure, signified by our Letters, yet contrary thereunto
they have slain three of our subjects there, and by force pos-
sessed themselves by might of that Island, and seized and
carried away both the Persons and Estates of the said Planters.
Now out of Our Royal Care to prevent such disorders, as we
have referred to our Commrs for Plantations the examination
of the truth of these Complaints and required diem thereupon
to proceed according to Justice. So now by these particular
Letters to your self We strictly require and command you to
performe what our former Generall Letter did enjoyne and
that the above named Planters and their Agents, may enjoy in
the mean time their Possessions, and be safe in their Persons
and Goods there without disturbance or further trouble by you
or any of yours till that cause be decided, and herein we expect
your ready conformity, that we may have no cause of any
further mislike, Given under our Signet, at our Manor at
Greenwich the 14th day of July in the fourteenth year of our
Reign 1638.
To Our Right Trusty & c
Lord Baltemore.
P. R. O.
Papers. Vol.
IX, No. 120.
By the Governor & Capt Generall of Virginia with the advise
& consent of the Counsell of State. A Proclamacon
Whereas the Kings most excellent Maty was pleased by his
Lres Patents to grant vnto the right hoble the Lo: Baltemore a
territory or tract of land therein nominated and nowe knowne
by the name of the Province of Maryland with divers franchises
& ymmunities therevnto belonging As in & by the sd Lres
Patents more at larg appeareth Nothwithstanding wch said
Royall Grant & publicacon thereof in this Collony divers per-
sons ill affected to the Governemt established by his Maty both
here & in the said Province, haue by prtence of a former
Comission factiously combyned to disturbe the said Lo: Balte-
more in the possion of part of his said territory, as also to in-
fringe the prviledg of trade in expresse termes solely granted
to the said Lord Baltemore within the said Province, And after
Liber A.
p. 324