P. R. O.
Papers. Vol.
IX, No. 87.
To the Kings most Excellent Majestie
The humble Petition of Cecill Lord Baltimore.
? March. 1638.
Most humbly Sheweth :
That whereas your Subject being desirous to plant a Colony
of English in some part of Virginia, did humbly desire to have
a part of that Territory granted to him, which was referred to
the consideration of some of the Lords of the Councell, who
upon hearing of the old Virginia Company and your Petitioner
at severall times thought fitt to advise your Majestic to grant
to your petitioner that patent of Maryland, which now he
enjoyeth; After the passing whereof, the said Company having
procured a petition from Virginia against the said patent, sub-
scribed by William Clayborne and many others, presented the
same to your Majtie in May 1633, who was pleased to referr the
consideration thereof to the Boord, and their Lordohipps did
thereupon then heare both partys interested at large: And
being desirous before they gave their judgement in the cause,