Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1636-1647. 67
said discoveries and trade wch without Speedy Supply and
your Majesty's gracious favour and Incouragment is like to
come to ruin to their great Loss.
Liber F.
May it therefore please your Most Excellent Majesty,
to grant unto the Peticoners a Confirmation of your
Majesty's said Comission and Letter, under your Majes-
ty's broad seal for the quiet keeping, enjoying and gov-
erning of the said Island Plantations and people there-
on as aforesaid, to send now with the said ship, and to
referr the speedy Examination of the said wrongs and
injuries unto whome your Majesty shall please to think
fitt to certifie your Majesty thereof, And that the Peti-
coners may chearfully proceed in soe hopefull a design
without any lett or Interruption of the Lord Baltemores
Agents or any other whatsoever
And as in duty bound they shall pray. &c
Att the Court at New Markett the 26th ffebry 1637
His Majesty approveing the propositions made in this Peti-
tion for the advancement of those plantacons and the hopefull
trade of ffurrs, is graciously pleased to confirm What is con-
tained in his former Comission and Letter under the broad
seal, And to that end referreth to the Lord Archbp of Canter-
bury, Lord Keeper, Lord Privy Seal, and any other the Comis-
sioners for Plantations, who shall be near at hand and whome
they please to call, the Consideration of all the Contents of
this Petition And with Mr Attorney's advice to settle such a
Grant of the things herein desired as they shall think fitt to be
prepared by him for his Majestie's signature. Their Lordps
are also to Examine the wrongs Complained of and Certify
his Majesty what they think fitt to be done for redress thereof.
John Cooke
Ext T. Meautys.
p. 4
We appoint the first Council day after Easter for the hear-
ing of this business at the Councell board, and doe hereby will
and require, that pnt Notice be given to the Lord Baltemore
or any else whome it may concern, together with a true Coppy
of this Petition and reference and that they by themselves or
their Councell fail not to attend accordingly
W: Cant Tho: Coventrie; W: Manchester
28. ffebr.
p. 5
Shipped vpon the good vessell called the deborah by Capt
Henry ffleete 6 dozen and two of trucking axes, two dozen
and two of howes, nineteene yards of dutch cloth, two yards of
peake & a little more, sixteene paire of irish stockings; one
chest cent some beads, knives, combes, fish hooks iewes-harpes
Liber Z.
p. 39