Liber Z.
L. O. R.
No. 2.
river is now planted by severall inhabitants, and is thought fitt
to be erected into a hundred by the name of St Georges hundred :
We willing to provide for the better conservation of the peace
& punishmt of offenders within the said hundred, and withall
for the ease of the inhabitants thereof; and reposing especiall
trust in your diligence & provident circumspection, have con-
stituted and appointed, and by ths or Commission doe consti-
tute appoint and authorise you to be highe Constable of the
said hundred of St George, giving vnto you full power & never-
theless inioining & straitly charging you to inquire of and pre-
sent vnto vs or our Lieutenant grall for the time being, all
crimes, misdemeanors & offences whatsoever committed agst
the peace within the said hundred; and to arrest or cause to
be arrested the person of any such offender or offenders, and
him or them to keepe in safe custodie, vntill they shall putt in
sufficient security to appeare at the next Court after such
attachmt wch shalbe held at St maries before vs or our Lieutent
grall for the time being; and to that effect to take recogni-
sance to our vse as well from the partie offending and his
meinpernors, as from all other psons that can give evidence
touching the said offence; and if the crime shalbe such as is
not baileable by the law of England or of this Province, imme-
diately to bring or cause to be brought the person offending,
and the persons that can give evidence therein before vs or
our Lieutent grall for the time being, there to receive such
triall and iudgemt as the law shall award. And we doe further
authorise you from time to time at all times as you shall see
cause, to make diligent search & inquiry after all psons that
shall sell or without license deliver any armes or ammunition
whatsoever to any Indian or Salvage; and if you shall know
or vehemently suspect any person or persons offending herein
contrary to or Proclamation published in that behalfe, to appre-
hend the said person or psons, and him or them to bring or
cause to be brought before vs or our Lieutent grall for the
time being, there to receive such punishmt as the fact shall
deserve And further to doe and exequute all and every
power & powers act and acts wch to the office of a highe Con-
stable in England doe or may belong. Given at St maries this
fifth day of January anno dni 1637. witnesse Leonard Cal-
vert Esq; and or Lieutent grall of the Province of maryland
p. 11
[Commission to John Lewger.]
Cecilius Lord Proprietr to our trusty Councellor John Lew-
ger Secretary of our Province of maryland, greeting, ffor
divers good considerations vs herevnto moving, and reposing
especiall trust and confidence in your faithfull and provident
circumspection, we have assigned and appointed and doe here-
by assigne and authorise you to be Conservator of the Peace