[Commission to George Evelin as Commander of the Isle of
Leonard Calvert Governt of Maryland, to my good frend
Captaine George Evelin of the He commonly called Kent with-
in ths Province, greeting. Whereas I am willing to provide
for the good govermt of the said Ile of Kent being of right a
member of this Province; therefore reposing especiall confi-
dence in the trust wisedome & well approved experience of
you the said George Evelin, I doe by these pnts authorise
constitute and appoint you to be Commander of the said Iland
and the inhabitants thereof, giving and granting hereby vnto
you full power & authority to elect and chuse any six or more
able and sufficient men inhabitants of the said Iland as you in
your discretion shall thinke fitt with whom you shall advise and
consult in all matters of importance; and to call a Court or
Courts as often as there shalbe cause, and in the said Courts
to award all manner of processe, hold pleas, and to heare &
finally to determine all causes & actions whatsoever civill hap-
ning and arising betweene any the inhabitants of the said Iland
not exceeding in damages or demands the value of ten pounds
sterling; as also to heare & finally determine all matters &
offences whatsoever criminall hapning & committed within
the said Iland wch may be heard & determined by any Justices
of peace in England in their Court of Sessions not extending
to life or member. And doe further authorise you to doe vse
and exequute all and all manner of iurisdiction & authority
whatsoever for the conservation of the peace within the said
Iland as any Justice of peace in England may or ought to doe
by vertue of hs Commission for the peace; and further to elect
and appoint all necessary officers for the exequution of iustice
& conservation of the peace there with allowance of such fees
as are vsually belonging to the same or the like offices in vir-
ginia; and to doe all other things and acts wch shalbe neces-
sary for the exequution of the power & iurisdiction hereby
committed vnto you. Given at St maries this 30th day of
December; anno dni 1637.
p. 5