552 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1661-1675.
P. R. O.
Papers. Vol.
XX, No. 114.
there of at, or before the last day of September next Ensueing
the date hereof.
For the better and more effectuall Execution of the
For the better and more effectuall Execution of the
said Lawes in the Severall Colonies aforesaid It is
concluded and agreed by and between us the said Com" that
the Severall and respective Gour Councellor and Justices of the
Peace and all other Publique Offices within the said Collonies
of Virginia, Maryland and Albemarle County in Carolina doo
take a Solemn oath upon the Evangelists to use their Best
and utmost Endeavour fully and Effectually to see the said
Lawes executed according to the true intent and meaning of
the said Lawes and these articles without any partialitie, or
evasion and the said Oathes to bee taken before such persons
as shall bee appoynted by the respective Collonies if they shall
think fitt. to appoynt any such
For the mutuall and better securitie of each respec-
tive Province from any dammage or Inconvenience
that may arrive or happen to them by the breach of the said
act in their neighbour Collonies, It is agreed and concluded by
and between us the Commissioners aforesaid that there shall
bee free Leave and full power Left to all and Everie of the
said Colony to appoynt and impower such persons as they
shall think fitt to goe into any parte of their Neighbour Col-
lonies there to see wether the said Act bee broken or not, and
if they find them broaken then upon complaint made by the
said persons soe impowered to the Gour of the Colony soe
offending against the Intent and meaning of the said Act, the
said Gour and other Magistrates of the said Colony offending
as aforesaid shall bee oblidged forthwith to imploy their respec-
tive authoritive and utmost power for the Effectuall punish-
ment of such offenders by cutting up their Tobacco either
sowen, planted, sett or tended as aforesaid.
That these above menconed articles are our mutuall
agreemts according to the power given us as aforesaid Wee
the said Comrs have hereunto sett our hands and Seales the
day and yeare and in the place first above mentioned
Will Drumond (Seale)
Tho: Woodward (Seale)
Philip Calvert (Seale)
Henry Coursey (Seale)
Nath Uty (Seale)
Robt Slye (Seale)
Tho: Ludwell Junr
Thomas Ludwell Junr (Seale)
Robert Smith (Seale)
Richard Bennett (Seale)
Daniell Parke (Seale)
Copia vera Teste
Ioseph Bridger (Seale
Peter Jennings (Seale
Thomas Ballard (Seale
Tho Ludwell Junr