Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1661-1675. 551
their severall and respective jurisdiccons, and whereas the said
Honoble Sr Wm Berkeley Knight and the said Assembly of
Virginia did at an Assembly held at James Citty the 5th of
Iune last past in concurance with the said act of Maryland
make a Law with the same Restriccons and Prohibicons of
planting, setting, sowing, or any waies tending any Tobacco
within this Colony of Virginia with the same provisions and
Limmitacons as are conteyned in the said act of Maryland.
And whereas the said Wm Drummond and Thomas Wood-
ward Gour and Commissior for the said Albemarle County
have promised and undertaken to procure an Act in their
Councell and Committee prohibiting the sowing, setting,
planting or any waies tending any Tobacco in the said County
of Albemarle from the first of February which shall bee in the
yeare 1666 till the first of February which shall bee in the
yeare 1667 and the same Law so made one or more authen-
tique Coppies. thereof cause to bee delivered to the Right
Honoble the Gour of Virginia and the Honble Governr of Mary-
land at or before the Last day of September next ensueing the
date hereof.
And whereas the said act of Virginia and Maryland and the
said Ordr of the Courts and Committie of Albemarle County
signed by the deputie Gour Councill Speaker and Committie
thereof Have amonngst other mattrs and things nominated,
constituted, impowered and appoynted us the subscribed to
bee Commissioners to treate, and concluded upon a Totall Ces-
sation as aforesaid in the places and yeare aforesaid and to
treate and conclude upon the most Effectuall meanes of putting
the said acts into Effectuall Execution obleidgeing themselves
and the publique Faith of their respective Collonies to ratefie,
and confirme whatsoever shall bee treated, and concluded on
by and between the said Commissior in manner and to the
intents aforesaid in obedience to and for the better execution
of the said act. It is therefore by us the said Comers of the
said Respective Collonies concluded and agreed.
P. R. O.
Papers. Vol.
XX, No. 114.
That the said Lawes for a Totall Cessation from plant-
ing, setting, sowing, or any waies tending Tobacco in
any, or any part of all or either of the said Collonies of Vir-
ginia and Maryland bee effectually putt in Execution in Vir-
ginia and Maryland, Provided that the said Gour Councell,
and Committie of Albemarle County doe make a Law there
prohibiting the sowing, setting, planting, or any waies tending
any Tobacco in the said County from the first of February
which shall be in the yeare 1666 till the first of February 1667
in like manner as is already donne in Virginia and Maryland
and the same act soe as aforesaid to bee made shall transmitt
to the Gour of Virginia and Maryland or authentique Coppies