The first Court to be held at st Marys on the third twesday
in the month of October, the second Court to be held on the
second tuesday in the month of Decembr the third Court to be
held on the second twesday in the month of ffebruary the 4th
Court to be held on the second twesday in the month of Aprill,
the 5th Court to be held on the first twesday in the month of
June for Orphants and soe in euery yeare to be kept at the
place and Respectiue dayes aforesaid
By the Leiutennt Generall and Councell
the 12th day of June Ano 1666
It is this day Ordered by the Leiutennt Generall and Coun-
cell, That the Prouina11 Court and County Court of St Marys
County be held together at St Marys 5 times in the yeare for
the future and not else where, (uizt) The first Court to be held
at St Marys on the 3 twesday in the month of Octobr the
second Cort to be held on the second twesday in the month of
December, the third Court to be held on the second twesday
in the month of february, the 4th Court to be held on the second
twesday in the month of Aprill the 5th Court to be held on the
the first twesday in the month of June for Orphants and so in
euery yeare to be kept at the place and Respectiue dayes
And it is further Ordered that Publicacon hereof be made
att the Prouinal1 Court holden this day at St Marys in Open
Court That the Sherriffe of the said County and all Justices of