these presents requireing our said deare Sonn to advise as
there shall bee occasion with those who are or shall be of our
Councill there for the time being upon all emergent occasions
touching, concerning or relating unto the goode Governmt of
our said Province and the people there And wee doe hereby
Revoake adnull and make voyde all former Comissions here-
tofore att any time given unto our said deare Sonn or any
other in relation to all or any the Offices, powers or Authorytyes
hereby granted and all & every power & powers, authority
and authorityes, thing & thinges in them every or any of them
given, granted, mentioned or contained hereby declareing the
same to be revoaked, adnulld & made voyde to all Intents &
Purposes imediately from and after the publishing these
presents within our said Province Given under our hand and
Seale att armes this sixteenth day of February In the foure and
thirtieth yeare of our Dominion over oure sayd Province.
Annoq Dom: 1665.
True Copy written & examined by mee
Robert Ridgley Clerke of the Councill
P. R. O
Papers. Vol.
XX, No. 12.
Then the Chancellor was allsoe sworne According to the
forme of the Oath of Chancellor sent in by his lordsp the
Oath of Councellor & one of the Judges in Prouinciall Court
After which Richard Boughton Esqr his Lordsps principle
Secretary was allsoe sworne as Secretary according to the
forme of an Oath now sent in by his Lordsp to that purpose
And allsoe was taken by him the Oath of a Councellor and
One of the Judges in Prouinciall Court
The Leiutennt Generall then desired the Opinion of the rest
of the Councell, wether it would not be requisite and Conueni-
ent, that Proclamacon doe issue, That noe powder now brought
in by Capt Thomas .Harwood (being 50 barrills) be by any
person (that shall buy any part or parcell thereof) transported
or Carryed out of the prouince upon paine of imprisonm'
Which was by the whole Councell thought ffitt and requisite,
Whereupon Ordered theire Oponion be soe Entred
May the 23th 1666
Issued then a Commission to Wm Evans Esq for Mustr
Mastr Genrall put in fo: 209 in this Booke Dat. ut. Supra
Liber H. H.
p. 259