Liber H. H.
writts & warrants as shall be to you directed by Lawfull
Authority and thereof you shall make a true returne According
to the Tenor of the writt soe helpe yow God
Whereas I am given to vnderstand that some demurr may
be made concerneing yor officiating the office of Sherrife vntill
you have taken yor oath in yor County Court and given security
as in yor Comission is provided for, and whereas the Commrs
of yor County doe not intend to hold Court in yor County vntill
June next after wch time must be returned (and that too sud-
denly) the list of taxable psons according to a speciall warrt to
you directed for that purpose
These are therefore in the name of the Right honoble the
Lord proprietary of this province to will and require and like-
wise to Impower you John Lawson that forthwith you warne
and conuene together at a certaine day to be by you appointed
Mr Thomas Dent Mr Randall Henson Mr John Jarboe Capt
Luke Gardner Mr William Barton and Mr William Rosewell
or any foure of them whereof one to be of the Coram together
with the Clarke of yor County Co" & that before them you take
yor Oath belonging to Sherriff as is to yor Comission affixed
and give bond likewise as is prscribed by Act of Assembly in
that behalfe and that thereupon you doe all things belonging
to yor Office of Sherriffe without further delay Lastly that you
p. 224
Right Honble
My humble seruice to you Honour presupposed,
These are to acquainte yor Honnr that Our Commrs att Our
last Court hath Nominated these Genl for the Sherriffs Office,
according to Act of Assembly (uizt) Mr Hugh Stanley Mr Charles
Brooke, Mr Thomas Leitchworth Noe more at prsent but sub-
sribe my selfe,
yor Honrs most humble serut
Aprill 11th 1665 James Thompson Clk