Sherriffe for the said County for this Ensueing yeare have
Constituted Ordayned & appointed & doe by theis presents
Constitute Ordaine & appoynt you Sherriffe of the sd County,
& to have such priviledges and benefitts as any other Sherriffe
within this our prouince of Maryland now hath or any other
sherriffe of your sd County ever have had held or Enjoyed or
of Right ought to have had held or Enjoyed To have & to hold
the said office or Jmploymt for one whole yeare to be Computed
from the first day of Aprill next Ensueing and after till another
Sherriffe by yor sd County Court to be prsented shall be law-
fully by Pattent Constituted Provided that he the said John
Lawson doe in open Court in his said County take the Oath of
Sherriffe hereunto annexed & giue security for the well dis-
charging of his Office & trust according to the Act of Assembly
in thl case provided Given att St Marys vndr our Lesser Scale
of our said province of Maryland the 23th day of March in the
34th yeare of our dominion over our sd province of Maryland
Annoq dom 1664 Wittnes our deare Sonn & heire Charles
Caluert Esqr our Leivt Generall of our sd province of Maryland
These are to will & require you that by the 20th day of July
next you cause a list to be taken of all the Tithables within yor
County & that in the sd list the name & surname of Each Tith-
able pson & the howse of his abode be distinctly sett downe &
a Coppy thereof faire written & sent immediately downe to the
Governor & Councell & another Coppy of the sd list sett up in
the Court howse att yor next County Court to remaine there
for the whole yeare to the End tht if any Errors be therein they
may be corrected & the same certefied to the Goverr & Councell
before the first day of Septembr next herein faile not as yow will
answere the Contrary And for soe doing this shall be yor Warrt
Given vnder my hand this Ist of Aprill 1665
To John Lawson High
Sherriffe of St Marys