Liber H. H.
p. 188
488 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1661-1675.
5ly That yow giue timely notice by an expresse to the Leiut
Grall of any troubles or insolencies that shall be committed by
the J ndians for the future. & of what yow shall doe from time
to time in pursuance of these Jnstructions.
August 15th
Commisn exiuit from Leiut Grall to Mr John Elzey
mr Stephen Horsey, Mr William Thorne, & Capt
John Odber. Commisrs for tht part of the Prouince newly
Seated, Called the Easterne shoare. Bearing date the fifteenth
day of August in the 32th yeare of his Lps Dominion &c: Anoq
Dni 1663. Commisn est eadem uerbatim. mutatis mutandis
ut est fol. supra 163.
Septembr 10th 1663.
Lres of Denizacon exiert to Jacob alias John Lumbrozo in his
Caecilius &c: Whereas Jacob, alias John Lumbrozo. late of
Lisbone in the Kingdome of Portugall hauing long time lyued
wthin this Our Prouince of Maryland hath besought &c:
Wittnes our Deare sonne & heyre Charles Caluert &c: as is
in Ordinario (mutatis mutandis) fol 165, ut supra.
Sept 12th
Commission to John Abington for trading with the
Indians Idem Mutatis Mutandis utest folo 161o to John
The said John Abington Entred into Bond &c.
P. 189
Jnstructions Gyuen by the Rt honble Csecilius Absolute
Lord & Proprietary of Maryland & Aualon Lord Balte-
more &c: To his Lps sonne & heyre Charles Caluert
Esqr his Lps Leiut of the sd Prouince of Maryland.
1. His Lp doth hereby &c: Vid. Lib. 1633. for Land. fol. 80.
2. And his Lp doth allso hereby requyre his sd Leiut that the
sd Jerome White bee made one of the Councell of the sd
Prouince of Maryland, & Conseruator & Justice of the Peace
there, wth all Priuiledges & Jmmunities whatsoeur thereunto
belonging. Prouided that hee first take the Oath of a Coun-
cellor Conseruator & Justice of Peace appoynted for that
purpose. To bee administred unto him by the sd Leiut or any
Two of the Councell there, before hee sitt or Act as a Coun-
sellor or Conseruator or Justice of Peace of the sd Prouince who
are hereby authorized to administer the sd Oath to him accord-
ingly. Gyuen under his Lps hand & Lesser Seale att Armes
this sixteenth day of Decembr in the yeare of Our Lord God.
One Thowsd sixe hundd sixty & Two.
C Baltemore