Jnstructions from the honble Charles Caluert Esq Gour to
Maior Samuel Goldsmith for the more speedy & effectuall
suppression of all mutinies, insolencies & insurrections, murthers
or plunders tht may bee committed by any Jndian or Jndians
Yow are hereby impowred uppon the inuasion or ap-
Jmpr proach of any Jndians whatsoeur to any English Plantaon
wthin yor Command to Leauy what forces in yor discretion
shall thinke conuenient for the resistance of any insolencies or
murthers by them committed, or may bee intended to be com-
mitted uppon the prsons or Estates of any of the Jnhabitants
of this Prouince as aforesd
2ly Yow are to impower such & such prsons as yow shall
thinke fitt wthin yor seuerall precincts to prosequute such Jnstruc-
tions as shall bee from time to time by yow to them directed.
3yly That yow doe call to yor assistance the County Commisrs
as time & opportunity shall requyre & permitt, to consult &
aduise uppon what is expedient uppon an urgent occasion to
bee done.
4ly That yow forthwth send to the Sasquesahanough Jndians
to giue them notice tht they immediately come downe to treate
wth yow, & the rest of the Commisrs of this County aboute the
Articles of Peace lately confirmed by the Gour & Councell
together wth their consent. & easpecially strictly to insist uppon
tht Article (Vizt) That they shall not approach any English
Plantaon, but according to the tenor of that Article.
P. 187