Liber H. H.
& haue euer since exspected some Instructions from the honble
Leiut Grall how Wee should answere him, if hee should come
up. But as yett can heare none.
Sr since thl time of writing my busines drawed mee downe to
Accamack, where Co" Scarborough arrested me att his Maties
suite, & made his demand of Obedience & Rights for Land
The Copie whereof J haue here enclosed, & the Copie of my
answere to it, wth out wch J could not haue done my busines,
nor haue returned home before J had beene att James Towne.
Where J doe beleiue it would haue beene exacted more prticu-
larly. Coll Scarborough telling mee, tht my answere was like
to tht of the Diuell of Delphos. When hee had my Responce
hee told mee That if hee could hee would bee up wth us before
James Towne Court, if not presently after, & make the same
demand of euery prticuler prson, & on denyall would according
to his Order sett the Broad Arrow, on the howse of him that
p. 171
should refuse to giue a satisfactory answere, & promises greate
protection, on submission.
Now J beseech yor honr tht yow will wth what speed yow can,
urge his Lp to consider our Condicon, how Wee lye betweene
Sylla & Charibdis, not knowing how to gett out of this Labarith.
J could not understand but tht hee doth intend to come up wth
a Competent Company to force us, who are not in a Capacity
to defend our selues agst the Pagans, who doe grow uery in-
solent, & tells vs that Wee are Lyars, & tht our greate Men
care not for us, because tht none of them comes to us. J would
gladly haue wayted on yor honrs but cannot att prsent, by reason
of an extreame Cold, tht hath seised in mee. But because J
would not haue these Miscarry, J haue sent my freind, by whom
I shall exspect your answere to the satisfaction of all the Jn-
habitants, who doe much desyre to serue his Lp faythfully, &
Hue quiettly under his Protection & gouermt To enioy thatt
little goods they haue in peace, & not haue it Macerated &
torne from them because they are ignorant. Thus hoping yow
will thinke of us and prouide for or safeties, that, cannot helpe
our selues. J shall omitt att prsent what further discours J
haue heard, vntill it shall please god that J see yow & rest
Monanoakin this th of yor honrs euer ffaythfull
march 1662. & ready seruant
John Elzey.
Coll Scarboroughs demand.
Mr John Elzey
This day as J am his Maties Treasurer & substitute J doe
demand of yow Obedience & acknowledgmt to his Malys dues
in poynt of Right for Land & Gouermt wch though hitherto
uppon some reasonable prtences yow haue declyned. J haue