472 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1661-1675.
Liber H. H.
Att a Councell held att Dela Brooke
in the County of Caluert this 19th
March 190 day of march 1662.
Prnt Charles Caluert Esqr Gouernor
Henry Sewall Esqr Seer.
John Bateman Esqr Councrs
Baker Brooke Esqr
Ordered tht a Speciall Court bee held att S Leonards in
Caluert County on Twesday the last of this prsent Month to
try the prson of Patrick Dew. Who lately murthered the
Body of Richard Morton.
Wart mde to the sheriffe to summone the Wittnesses
Wart to ditt to summone Capt Thomas Manning as
Attorney Grall to preferre a Bill of Jnditemt agst the sd
Patrick Dew for murthering the sd Rich: Morton.
Wart to ditt Sheriffe to summone 30 prsons for Jurors
to try the sd Patrick Dew.
March 25.
Commisn to Capt Willm Boareman, for trading wth
the Jndians. Jdem mutatis mutandis vt est folo 161o
to John Nuttall.
The Bond for those to giue who haue Comisn
to trade wth the Indians.
This day came Capt Willm Boareman Gentn & acknowledged
himselfe endebted unto the Rt honble the Ld Propr of this
Prouince in the iust & full sume of fiue hundd pownds sterl. of
lawfull money of England to bee payd att or afore the day
of next ensuing the date hereof in Case hee the sd William
Boareman shall not come & yeild up a prfect & true accompt
of the Tenth part in weight or ualue of all Comodities what-
soeur traded for with any Jndian or Jndians whatsoeur eyther
by himselfe or any other prson intrusted by him unto the Ld
Propr of this Prouince or his heyres, or his or their Leiutt or
Cheife Gour for the time being. Or any other Officers or
Officers by him or them impowred therein, when hee thereunto
shall bee lawfully called. And in Case hee doth trade for any
Corne hee doe not export the same out of this Prouince wthout
Lycence first had & obtayned from the Leiutt or cheife Gour for
the time being. And doe not fullfill all such Condicons as are
expressed in the last Act Concerning Trade wth the Indians,
ffor the wch paymt well & truly to bee made and done hee the
sd Willm Boareman doth bind himselfe his heyres Execrs
Admistrs & assignes firmely by these prsents. & doth here-
unto sett his hand & Seale this 25th day of March 1663.