Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1661-1675. 471
willing to giue due encouragnV to the Subjects of that nacon,
doe hereby declare them the said Barnard Vbben his wife &
Children as well those allready borne as those hereafter to be
borne to bee free Dennizens of this or prouince of Maryland
And doe further for Vs or heires & Successors Streightly
enioyne Constitute ordeine & Comand that the sd Barnard
Vbben bee in all things held treated reputed & esteemed as
one of the faythfull people of Vs or heires, & Successors borne
wthin this or prouince of Maryland and likewise any lands
tenements Reuenues Seruices & other hereditamts whatsoeuer
within or said prouince of Maryland may inherite or otherwise
purchase receiue take haue hold buy & possess & them may
Occupie & enioy Giue Sell alyen & bequeath as likewise all
libertyes franchices & priuiledges of this or prouince of Mary-
land freely quietly & peaceably haue & possess Occupie &
enioy as or faythfull people borne or to bee borne within or said
prouince of Maryland without the lett molestacon uexacon
trouble or Greiuance of us or heires & Successors any Custome
to the Contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding Giuen
att St Marys undr the Create Seale of the said prouince of
Maryland this 17th day of ffeb. in the 31th yeare of our
Dominion ouer the said prouince Annoq Domini 1662 Wittnes
or Deare sonn & heire Charles Caluert Esqr Our Leiuetennt of
or said Prouince of Maryland
Liber H. H.
Commission issued to Captaine Hugh Neale of Charles
County to bee Captaine of the Company late undr the Comand
of Captaine Christopher Russell &c. Giuen under my hand
and seale this 20th day of ffebr 1662
Signed Charles Caluert
p. 167
ffeb. 20th
Att a Councell held att St Johns 20th ffeb. 1662.
Leiutt Grall, Philip Caluert Esqr Chancellor Henry
Sewall Esqr Seer. mr Baker Brooke mr John Bateman.
Vppon debate of the Councell, who shall bee appoynted
Commisrs on tht part of the Easterne shoare newly seated, &
adioyning to Virginia
Ordered tht mr John Elzey & Stephen Horsey be continued.
That Randall Reuell bee out. And tht William Thorne &
Capt John Odber bee ioyned to mr John Elzey & Stephen
Horsey in the sd Commis"
Vid. paulo
Commisn to Capt Hugh Neale in Charles County
(under Coll Willm Euans) Mutatis Mutandis ut est in
fol. 23