Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1661-1675. 455
John Chareman 50. Sam. Harris 100 Thomas stanbrige 100.
miles Glouers 50. Thorn. Wentworth 50. and that the sayd
Hudson doe putt in Sufficient Security for to appeere at St
Marys there to enten into bond accordinge to the Act of
nauigation and increase of shippinge, and that till such security
be giuen as aforsd and that Doctor Barber and the men by him
employed for secureinge of the vessell in this order mentioned
be satisfyed Doctor Luck Barber is heere by impowred to
detaine the sayd vessell
Ordred further that Enoch Doughty be brought downe to
st Marys there to make oath concerning certaine vnlawfull
goods alleadged to be a board the sayd vessell. and that
Doctor barber doe giue him notice thereof.
Liber H. H.
May 23o 1662.
To the Ll Genall of the Province of Maryland
p. 143
The humble peton. of the souldiers of the Jle of Kent.
That Captn Thomas Brednox late of the Jle of Kent deceased,
Receiued for fines to the vallue of six or seauen thousand
pounds of Tobacco wch hee was to buy Drum and Cullers and
other necessarys for the vse of the Company, which hee hath
not donn but conuerted it to his owne vse. your Petioners
humbly Craues that there may bee an account thereof giuen to
our Captn Will Leeads, and that hee may haue the sd Fines to
buy Drum and Cullors, and to dispose of the remainder for the
vse of the sd Company at his discrescion : and your Petitioners
as bound in duty shall euer pray. Subscribed.
John Emkson, John Dobes, John smith, Richard Blunt,
Meeck Bearton.william Price, Cornelius Meateag, John Pusser,
John Gibson John Winchester, Macom Mecomy, Henry
Hare, willm Dauis Francis Finch George Collison, Moses
stegoll. Mathew Reead, John Winchester, Thomas Brooke.
Edmond Carphenter, Peeter Pihall, Charles Stoward, Edward
Joanes, Peeter Johnson William Dauis, John White, John
Macrinnon, John Morgan, Richard steuens, Anthony Callaway,
Thomas Hills Thomas Osborne, Allexander Nash, Dell Lonely,
Allexander waters Joseph Newman.
P. 144
May 23o 1662
Lycence graunted vnto Major William Walters
to transporte 30 barrells of Corne out of this Pro-
vince into Virginia dated vt supra and sealed with the lesser
May 230
Mr William Caluert Lycence to trade with the
Jndians dated May the 5o 1662,10 stand in force till the
first of January next.
Hee gaue bond to the Lieut Generall according the comon