To which they replyed that when they had prepared a howse
and prepared other necessarys for an Emperor then they
would com to the Lieutent Generall and desire him to place
the sayde Wanasapapin in the possession of the Empire ouer
them, ordred that the Mangicomaco of Pascatoway doe pre-
pare all things ready for reception of wannasapapin and that
when they haue all things ready the Mangicomaco doe giue
notice to the lieutenant Generall that hee may appoint a tyme
to place him in the possession of the Gouernmt
May the 15o 1662
At a Councell held at Portobacke present Lieutenant
Generall Deputy Lieutenant and chancellor, and
Robert Clarck Esq. Comissioner.
Came Henry Hudson Owner of the Barcke Expedition of
Piscatoway in New England, which sayd Barque was seized by
order from the Goueror and Councell vppon the late Act for
Nauigation and increase of shippinge and made oath that sayde
Barque was of new England built, and that hee himselfe is sole
owner of her. where vppon it was objected agt him that hee
had shipped Tobacco on board before hee had Entred in Bond
accordinge to the Act of Nauigation or shewed Certificat that
hee had in any other place entred into such bond as aforsd the
euidence being Cleere that noe Tobacco was shipped on Board
before seizure.
Ordred that the vessell be deliuered vp to the sd Hudson
againe but that for his neglect of runinge to st Marys accord-
inge to the Proclamation for better obseruation of the Act of
Nauigaon he defray the whole charge of seizeinge and secure-
inge the vessell, viz. to Luck Barber 1000 of tobacco, to
James Lynsey 50l to Mr Mountague. 50l To Mr Allanson 50.