Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1657-1660. 387
of them shall doe in pursuance of the premisses contained in
this our warrant. Given vnder our hand and greater Seale at
Armes this Nynth day of January in the Eight and twentieth
yeare of our Dominion over the said Province of Maryland
And in the yeare of our Lord God 1659.
Copia vera Exd C Baltemore
p Cecill Langford.
Liber H. H.
Depositions concerning the Lord Baltemore.
20. June 1660.
Myles Cooke of London Mariner aged thirty six yeares or
thereabouts maketh oath that in Aprill last, Josias Kendall
Governor of Maryland under the Lord Baltemore, did rayse a
faction against his Lordship's Jurisdiction there and endeavour
to change the Government into the forme of a Commonwealth
to the great prejudice of his Lordship's Rights and the endan-
gering of a great deale of trouble and confusion among the
people there if not tymely prevented, which he knoweth to be
true he being Master of a shipp then trading there.
Miles Cooke
Sworne the 20th of June
Na. Hobart.
P. R. O.
Papers, Vol.
XIV, No. 12
Samuell Tilghman of London Marriner aged forty ..... yeares
or thereabouts maketh oath, that about the latter end of March
last, Josias Kendall Governor of Maryland under the Lord
Baltemore did rayse a faction against his Lordship's Juris-
diction there and endeavour to change the Government into
the forme of a Commonwealth to the endangering of a great
deale of trouble and confusion among the people there it not
tymely prevented, which he knoweth to be true, he being
Master of a shipp then Trading there.
Sam: Tilghman
Sworne the 29th of June 1660.
Na. Hobart.
No. 12, 1
Trustie and welbeloved Wee greet you well, Whereas it ap-
peares unto us by severall Depositions, That one Josias Fendall
late Governour under the Lord Baltemore of our Province of
Maryland hath raised a faction within the said Province against
the said Lord Baltemore's rights and Jurisdiction there, Wee
therefore at the humble request of the said Lord Baltemore to
protect him in his just rights doe heereby will and require you
and every of you to be ayding and assisting to his Officers in
settling his Jurisdicton there, as it was in January last accord-
British Mu-
MSS. 2542,
fol. 477.