Liber H. H.
At a Councell held at Mr Slyes Howse
the 7th of March 1659.
Present Iosias Fendall Esquier Governor Philip Calvert Esqr
Secretary Robert Clarke Esquier Doctor Luke Barber, Baker
Brookes Esquier & Collonell Nathaniell Vtye.
The treasorer informed the Board that vpon makeing vp
his accompt with Mr Gerrard about his Rent hee found a dis-
charge for one yeares Rent of Saint Clements Manner giuen
by Mrs Margarett Brent and for one yeare before hand vizt
for the yeare to be ended at Christmas 1649 And Craued
iudgmt whither hee should allow it vpon the accompt or not.
And the Judgment of the Board was that he should allow
the said yeares Rent vpon the accompt of the said Thomas
p. 73
Caecilius absolute Lord and Proprietary of Maryland and
Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c. To our Right Trusty
and welbeloved our Lieutenant of Maryland for the tyme being
And to the Rest of our Councill and other Officers Millitary or
Civill there Greeting Whereas Captaine James Neale hath
formerly beene an Jnhabitant in Maryland, But vpon certaine
occasions of his owne hath bene absent some yeares from thence,
and is now desireous to retourne thither againe with his family
there to reside Knowe yee that Wee doe hereby giue him free
liberty there to inhabitt and to possess any such lands as he
hath right vnto or Can lawfully Clayme there paying the Rents
and arreares of Rent due to vs for the same. And Moreover
Wee doe hereby giue him free liberty to enter into any of our
Ports there, and there freely to trade by himselfe or his Agent
or Agents with any ship or ships which hee may build or pro-
cure for Tradeing in those parts. Provided that at his or their
arrivall there hee or they repaire to yow our said Lieutenant,
and there Record his said Ship or Ships as Vessells belonging
to that Province. And that hee the said Captaine James Neale
or his Agent or Attorney pay such Duties as others vsually pay
for soe tradeing there And provided also that hee or his Agents
do not trade with any Jndian or Jndians in or through our said
Province without license first obtained for the same from yow
our said Lieutenant vpon such tearmes and conditions as others
pay and performe for such tradeing, Hereby willing and requir-
ing yow our said Lieutenant and Councill and all other our
Officers Millitary, or Civill within our said Province well and
truely to obserue and obey this our warrant and Comannd in
admitting and protecting the said James Neale or his lawfull
Agent or Agents in any lawfull Act or thing which they or any