Liber H. H.
380 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1657-1660.
solencies of those Indians who now despise the English honnour:
vse and improue this from
Your humble Servant
Aug 24th 1659. Samuel Mathewes
For the honnoble Josias ffendall
Governor of Maryland. These.
Hnnnored Sr
The Governors answere
to the Governor of Virginia
I haue iust now receiued a Letter of
yours bearing date the 24th of August,
p. 61
the Messenger affirming that the letter came but the last Night
to Nemeny so that it hath bine full a moneth in comeing from
yow thither: by which meanes it hath as yet hindred me from
shewing my readiness to ioyne with yow in a Designe soe
honnoble as I hope this will proue which yow haue now in hand.
Yet because I am not willing rashly to run vpon any thing, and
especially the beginning of a Warr, Bee pleased not to take it
amiss, though I forbeare to giue yow my positiue answere what
I will doe vntill I haue first called my Councell together, and
with them considered what is fitt by vs to be don wch I will not
faile within ten dayes to doe, and then imediatly give yow
notice of our intentions: Till when and ever after assure your-
selfe yow shall find me both to your selfe and the Generall
Jntrest of Virginea
from my Howse in Mary- Your faithfull freind & Servant
land the 24th of September 1659. Josias ffendall
The Governors fur-
ther answere to the
Governor of Virginea.
I haue Communicated yours of 24th of
August last together with the other by your
Order, by Collonell Scarburgh written. 28th
of the same moneth, vnto the Councell Vpon Consideration of
which, according to my promise I retourne yow this Answere,
first that it appeareth to vs onely that yow intend a Warr vpon
the Assateg Indians, but the Cause of that Warr yow doe not
informe vs of, Next that Wee doe not find that either yow or
Collonell Scarburgh doe desire our assistance and but vpon
such request wee cannot see how wee without knowledge of
the Cause of your falling out can in iustice attempt any thing
against the Assategs vnprovoked or iniured. wherefore Sr Wee
shall desire that vpon your prosecution of the warr yow will
lett vs knowe your Resolution, the Cause of your Warr, and the
necessity yow shall haue of our Assistance, and vpon all honnoble
and iust occasions yow may be Confident of all due Complyance
with your Desires And Soe Rest
from Patuxent 9th of Your humble Servant
October 1659. Josias ffendall
For the honnoble Samuell Mathewes Esqr Captaine
Generall & Governor of Virginea. these