Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1657-1660. 379
it may be done to most advantage. I shalbe on my march ten
daies hence, and doe intend to settle a Garrizon on the Sea
Side soe were as I may with Convenience to the head of Wic-
cocomoko River on the Easterne Shore, the Enemy is harder
to find then Conquer, therefore a necessity of Continuance in
the heart of his Countrey, that hee may neither plant Corne
hunt, or ffish soe make him poore and famish him. Course
must also be taken to prevent other Jndians from receiueing
those with whom wee warr, and for the present intend warr
with noe more then wee may well deale with
If yow thinke fitt to prosecute this Designe on the Easterne
Shore yow may informe yourselues of the Convenientest place,
which for soe much as I apprehend is the head of Wiccocomoko
River, and for the present it may be best onely to Designe
warr against the Assateges and to awe the Nanticocks and
Wiccocomico's with Confederats that they neither aid nor
receiue the Assateges or Assistants, and the worke don with
them yow may giue what lawes yow please to Nanticoke, and
the rest, or if warr on them yow wilbe settled and knowne in
their Countrey soe better able to deale with them, yow may
Liber H. H.
expect all Complyance and aide from me that 300 men 60 horse
sloopes and other things necessary for warr may admitt, nor
shall J want for as many more to relieue these men, and Con-
tinuall supplyes, I presume your owne intrest and reasons
politicall will informe, that if now yow stand idle there is not
such another advantage to be hoped for beside ill Consequences
attending your neglect of this oportunity. Of which I pretend
not to advise yow, but if I may be any way Serviceable
Command Your very humble Servant
from Occahannock Edm Scarburgh.
this 28th of Aug. 1659.
For the honnoble Governor and Secretan
of Maryland. These.
p. 60
Samuel Mathewes Esqr
Governor of Virginias lerr
to the Governor.
The Concearne of saftie depending on
those persons in trust hath directed the
Intelligence of our present designes
against the Assatage Jndians and Lonteaerats, which wee
haue accommodated with sufficient forces now presumeing the
advantage of this opportunity lying before yow reasons politicall
will press your Endevours to assault the Comon Enemy who
soe long triumphed in the ruines of Christian bloud the Warr
on the Sea Side wilbe on our parts prosecuted, and if the
Nanticoke and Confederats be the Subiect of your like Designe,
it may if not vtterly extinguish yet sufficiently Subiect the Jn-