352 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1657-1660.
Liber H. H.
That Cap: Thomas Besson Cap: Thomas Howell & Mr Thomas
Taylor be added to the Commissioners in stead of William
Burges Thomas Mears, & Maior Richard Ewens.
These Gentlemen being sworne the Commission was imediatly
filled vp & signed by the Governor
Ordered that
Josias Cole be by the sherriffe brought to the County Court-
to morrowe morneing.
p. 29
At a Councell held 23o Julij
at Annarundell
The Governor
Present The Secretary
Col: Nathaniell Vtie
This morneing was sworne Of his Lordship Councell Mr
Edward Lloyd and from the Councell went to assist the
Governor at the County Court.
After the Court was ended the Councell mett againe
and there being then Present
The Governor
The Secretary
Coll: Nathaniell Vtie
Mr Edward Lloyd.
Toke into consideracon the insolent behaviour of som people
called Quakers who at the Court, in contempt of an order then
made & proclaimed, would presumptuously stand Covered,
and not only so, but also refused to subscribe the engagement
notwithstanding the Act of Assembly in that case provided
alleadging they were to be governed by Gods lawe and the light
within them & not by mans lawe and vpon full debate finding
that this theyr refusall of the engagement was a breach of the
Articles of the 24th of March last, and that theyr principles
tended to the destruction of all Government.
That all persons whatsoeuer that were resideing within this
Province on 24th of March 1657 should take & subscribe the
said engagement by the 20th of August next or else depart the
Province by the 25th of March followeing vpon paine due to
Rebbells & Traitors if found within this Province after the said
25th of March, & that a Proclamacon be forthwith drawne to
this effect.
By the Lieutenant & Governor of Maryland.
Whereas vpon the Surrender of the Government to me his
Lops Lieutenant on the 24th of March last past amongst other