Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1657-1660. 351
att theyr Perill Given vnder my hand and Seale this 20th day of
July in the 27th yeare of his Lordships Dominion over this
Province Annoq Dni 1658.
Josias Fendall
Liber H. H.
Cap: Lieutenant
John Comber.
Commission to Captaine Lieutenant John
Cumber is the same mutatis mutandis with that
of Lieut John Jarbo fol: 24 dated as that of his Colonell.
Maior Ri: Ewen.
Commission to Maior Richard Ewens is the
same mutatis mutandis with that of his Colonell
dated eodem die.
Lieut Alex: Gordon.
Comission to Lieut Alexander Gordon is the
same mutatis mutandis with that of Lieut Jo:
Jarbos dated as his Maiors.
Cap: Tho Howell.
Commission to Cap: Thomas Howell the same
mutatis mutandis with that of Cap: William Evans
fol: 23. dated 20th Iuly
Lieut Jo: Collier
Commission to Lieut Jo: Collier vt in Jarbos
Commission mutatis mutandis dated as his Cap-
Cap: Tho: Bradnocke
Comission to Cap: Thomas Bradnocke the
same mutatis mutandis as the Commission to
Cap: Wm Evans dated 20 July
Lieut Tho: Wetherell
Commission to Lieut Tho: Wetherell the
same mutatis mutandis as Lieut Jo: Iarbos,
dated 20th July
At a Councell held 22o Julij
at Annarundell
The Governor
The Secretary
Col: Nathaniell Vtie
Warrant issued to bring the body of Thomas Thurston to
Mr Henry Courseys by 25th of July directed to the sherriffe of
Caluert County or any other who should haue the said Thurston
in Custody.
The Sherriffe of Annarundell made returne of his summons
according to the Order of the 12 of July last and the persons
all appeared.
Then was the oath of Commissioner & Justice of Peace
tendred vnto them all, & taken vpon the holy Evangelists by
all but William Burges & Thomas Meares who pretended it
was in no case lawfull to sweare, whos plea was by the board
disallowed: and Maior Richard Ewen who in regard of his
military employment desired to be excused, and his excuse was