320 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1654-1657.
Vol. 105,
p. 303.
Order of the Councell of State
Thursday the 31thof July 1656.
Sent the Comee of Trade
with the petitioner's report
& papers.
On consideration of a report from the
Committee of the Councell, to whom the
humble petition of Richard Bennet, and
Samuel Mathews Esqre Agents for Virginia, and the rest of
the plantations in the bay of Chesapiake, was referred; and in
concurrence therewith Ordered that the said petition togeather
with the humble representation of the Governor, Councell and
burgesses of the Grand assembly in Virginia thereunto an-
nexed, as also a report from the Lord Commr Whitlock, and
the Lord Comr Widrington, made to the Councell, in pursu-
ance of his Highness reference to them, upon the humble peti-
tion of Cecilius Lord Baltemore, and the severall papers there-
unto annexed, be referred to the Committee for Trade, who
are to consider thereof, and to informe themselves of the State
of the Case, upon the premisses, and thereupon to certify the
same, with their opinion, to his Highness, and the Counsell.
Liber B.
No. 3,
p. 257
The 23d of March 1656
Whereas the Militia of this Province by reason of the Death
and absence of Some of those into whose hands it was Com-
mitted Especially in the County of Putuxent, is nor attended
to whereby the Inhabitants is left to the Incursion of the Indians
and others that may Seeke the disturbance of the peace and
Safety of this Province, It is therefore ordered for the further
p. 258
Settlement thereof, that the Inhabitants may be the more
Secured thereby, Commissions be Granted to Such as may be
Chosen to be Captaines in Severall respective Limitts as need
Shall require, And for the present that mr Woodman Stockley
be Impowered by Commission to be Captaine over and Execise
all the Inhabitants, and to See that they have and keep their
Armes fixt, and in readiness from mrs Brookes Plantacon on
both Sides the River of Putuxent and upwards, and Lieutent
Henry Keen, be Impowered by Commission to be Capt over,
and to Execise, all the Inhabitants from the Plantations of the
aforesaid mrs Brookes, downwards on both Side the River and
Creekes to the mouth of the River, Including the plantation of
mrs Eltonheads on the one Side downward, and upward as high
as the plantation of Henry Cox And mr Phillip Morgan to be
Impowered by Commission to be Capt over and to Exercise all
the Inhabitants upon the Bay Side from the Plantation of the
Said Henry Cox upwards to the highest Extent of the County
of Putuxent
Capt William ffuller,
mr Richard Preston,
mr Edward Lloyd,
mr Tho: Meeres,
Mr Michael Brookes
Mr William Parker
Mr William Parratt