Abstract of Lord Baltemore's Patent
20. June 1656.
Know yee therefore, that wee favouring the Pious and Noble
Purpose of the said Baron of Baltemore of our especiall Grace,
certain knowledge and meer motion have given, granted and
confirmed, and by this our present Charter for us, Our Heirs
and Successors do give, grant and confirme unto the said
Cecilius, now Baron of Baltemore, his heires and Assignes all
that part of a Peninsula, lying in the parts of America be-
tween the Ocean on the East and the Bay of Chesapeak on
the west, and divided from the other part therof, by a right
Line drawn from the Promontory or Cape of Land called
Watkins Point (situate in the foresaid Bay near the River of
Wighio) on the west unto the main Ocean on the East; and
between that bound on the south unto that part of Delaware
Bay on the north which lieth under the 40th degree of North-
erly Lat from the equinoctiall, where New England ends; and
all that Tract of Land between the Bounds aforesaid; that is
to say, passing from the foresaid Bay called Delaware Bay, in
a right line by the degree aforesaid unto the true Meridian of
the first fountain of the River of Pattacomeck and from there
tending toward the south unto the farther bank of the foresaid
River, and following the west and south side thereof unto a
certain place called Cinquack situate near the mouth of the
said River where its fall into the Bay of Chesapeak, and from
thence by a streight Line unto the foresaid Promontory and
place called Watkins Point (so that all that Tract of Land
divided by the Line aforesaid drawn between the main Ocean
and Watkins Point unto the Promontory called Cape Charles,
and all its apurtenances do remaine intirely excepted to us,
Our Heires and Successors for ever.
P. R. O.
Papers. Vol.
XII, No. 71.