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pressing of all those who Shall act Consult or appeare against
the Government here Established under his Highness the Lord
Protector, And if any want Armes, then that you warn them
to provid themselves thereof as they ought to doe by the Act
of Assembly in that Case provided, And if they Cannot at
present provid themselves of Sufficient Armes, then you are
Authorized hereby to prcure Armes for them, either by buying
Armes upon the publick account or furnishing that want from
the publick Magazine, And you are hereby Impowered to
Imploy the Said forces from the Generall as Needs Shall be
and as you Shall receive order and Commission from the
Generall or Councell of State, any of them which are of the
Quorum, And to Chuse and Nominate your Lieutenant, and
other officers in yor Company from which officers and Soldiers
you Shall take Solemn ingagment of faithfullness and Duty to
his highness the Ld protector and the Governmt Established in
this Province under him to you their Capt in the affaires of the
Publick peace and wellfare of this Province, And we doe here-
by in the Name of his Highness the Lord Protector Strictly
Charge and require all the officers and Company aforesaid to
acknowledge yor Self as their Captaine and to yeild all ready
obedience to your Commands lawfull & necessary as Good
Soldiers and Loyall Subjects of the Commonwealth Given
under our hands this 24th day of Aprill 1655