mitted to us by the Same power and also by Act of Assembly
in that Case Provided, It is therefore Ordered that for the more
Convenient Administration of Justice and Government in the
Limits of St Maries and Potomock, Capt Robert Sly be ad-
mitted into the Number of the Commissionrs of the Province
and Councell of State in Maryland to act in that place as a
Councellor or Commissionr in all matters that Concerne the
Honor of the Lord Protector and Commonwealth of England,
the Good and wellfare of the people of this Province, as fully
as the rest of the Councellors & Commissionrs have power to
doe, And that the Said Capt Robert Slye mr John Hatch and
mr Lawson Shall have power to issue out Writts & process
both for the Provinciall Courts County Courts or any other
necessary occasion for the Commonwealth, And the Said mr
Hatch and mr Lawson to be in Speciall assistant to the Said
Capt Robert Slye himself officers & Soldiers in in repelling
and Suppressing any opposition agl the present Government
made by the Lord Baltemore or any other, And that an
Account be kept what Warrts or Writts any of the Sd Coun-
cellors Shall Grant, and the return of them may be Enquired
after in the Courts &c
It is ordered that Capt John Smith Shall be Constuted Muster
Master Generall for St Maries Potomock and Putuxent Counties,
And is hereby Impowered to exercise the Said office in as large
and ample Manner as hath been formerly practiced by Such an
officr and as the present occasions doe or may require here
It is ordered that Capt John Smith doe take what Care he
may Concerning the Estates of Delinqents which are Sequestred