Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1648-1655. 299
stands that divers persons inhabiting in this Province have not
Sued out their Patents in due time for the lands which they
clayme to be due unto them here nor have taken the Oath of
fidelity (as they ought to have done) according to his Ldps
Conditions of plantation whereby they Clayme Such Land.
Yet his Ldp out of his Good affection to them is not willing to
take Such advantage as he Justly might, thereupon against
them, without giveing them first fair warning by this Procla-
mation of their Error therein, but is Contented that all Such
persons who Clayme any land due unto them respectively by
Vertue of his Ldps Condicons of Plantation dated the Second
day of July 1649 Shall Notwithstanding their Said default have
Liber B.
the Said respective Lands Granted unto them as if no Such
default had been Made.
Provided alwayes that they doe respectively within three
Months now next Ensueing take the Said Oath of ffidelity
according to his Ldps declaracon bearing date the Sixt of
August 1650 and his Instructions bearing date the 17th of
ffebry 1652. and also within the Said time make their Rights
to the Said Lands appear to his Ldp Secretary here, and Sue
out their Patents and pay to his Ldps receiver Generall here
or his Sufficient Deputy all Such arrears of Rent as are due to
his Ldp for the Said Lands respectively from the time Such
Patents ought by the Said Condicons to have been Sued out
by them Respectively, and also pay unto his Ldps officers here
Such ffees as of right belong unto them respectively for the
And These are further also in the Lord Proprs Name and by
his Speciall direction and appointed as aforesaid to declare and
give Notice that in case Such person or persons So Clayming
any Land due unto them as aforesaid who Shall not take the
Said Oath of ffidelity or not Sue out their respective Patents
or not pay the Said Arrears and ffees respectively as aforesaid
within the time aforesaid, Shall be for Ever after debarred from
any right or Clayme to the Said Lands respectively Which (in
that Case) his Ldps Lieutenant here is by his Said Ldps
Speciall direction required to Cause to be Entred and Seised
upon to his Ldps use. Given at St Maries in the Said Province
of Maryland the Seventh day of ffebruary Anno Dni 1653
William Stone
p. 515
Memorandum that upon the Eleventh day of ffebruary 1653
mr Job Chandler tooke the Oath of a Counsellor to the Lord
Proprietary wch was Administred unto him by me his Ldps
Tho: Hatton
P. 520