troubled or Molested in their free trade within this Province
during their abode here with the Said Ships or either of them,
but Shall be therein protected to the Utmost of my power as
Governour of this Province, they Carrying themselves fairly &
peaceably as they ought without Just occasion of offence to the
Governmt or Injury to the Inhabitants here, And as touching
the Sailes belonging to the Ship Soe by them taken as prize
(which were ashore at and before the taking of the Said Ship,
and there lately by them Veiwed) after Some time of consider-
acon whether by any Law or Command from England or in
Justice they belong to them as prize or not I Shall give them
a Positive Answer therein, And in the Meane time (Soe far as
I May) will Secure them that in case they appeare to be their
Lawfull prize they may have them accordingly, Given under
my hand at St Maries in the Province of Maryland this 18th day
of January Anno Domini 1653
William Stone
By the Lieutent &c of Maryland
Whereas mr Symon Oversey Merchant being an Englishman
borne and an Inhabitant of this Province of Maryland & of the
Colony of Virginia now and for divers years last past In wch
regard he ought to have all Lawfull incouragement and pro-
tection from the Governmt here in the prservation of his Estate
& Managing & psecucon of his Just Imployments & occasions.
These are therefore in the Lords proprs Name Strictly to Charge
& require all & Every of the Inhabitants of this Province &
persons tradeing or resideing here & all others whom it may
concerne that they forbeare & Refraine in any Sort to hinder,
Molest, or trouble him the Said Symon Oversey his Agents or
Servants in the following & Managing of his Lawfull Occasions
& Imploymts trade or Commerce in any pt of this Province
with his Sloop, boate, or other Vessell or Vessells as they will
answer the Contrary at &c. Given at St Maries this 24th day
of January 1653
Willm Stone
[Confirmation of Lands.]