Liber B.
Saving and reserving to all and every the Inhabitants of the
Said County and others liberty of Appeale from the Said
County Court to the Provincial Court in any Civil Cause or
action to the Value of 20l Sterling or 2000l of Tobacco and
upwards the party Soe appealing first putting in Sufficient
Security to the Said County Court to be answerable for treble
damages in Case the Order or Judgment of the Said County
Court made in that Cause Shall happen to be Confirmed upon
hearing by the Provincial Court, And also to hear and deter-
mine all matters Criminal happening and Comitted in the Said
County, which may be heard by any Justices of Peace in any
County in England in their Courts of Sessions not extending
to life or member And further to doe use and execute all
manner of Jurisdiccon and authority whatsoever for the Con-
servacon of the peace within the Said County as any Justice of
Peace in England may or ought to doe by vertue of his Comis-
sion for the peace, ffurther likewise authorising you the Said
Corhandr or your Said Deputy, to elect and appoint all neces-
sary Officers for the Execucon of Justice and Conservacon of
the peace there with allowance of Such ffees as are usually
belonging to the Same or the like Officers in Virginia, And to
doe all other things, and Acts which Shall be necessary for the
execucon of the power and Jurisdiccon hereby Comitted unto
you, Given at Providence this 30th day of July 1650.
Wm Stone