Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1648-1655. 257
By the Lieutenant &c of Maryland
These are in the Lord Proprietarys name to authorise and
appoint Mr Edward LLoyd Gent Commander of Annarundel
County in the Said Province of Maryland to Grant warrts for
Land within the Said County to any Adventurers or planters
according to his Lordps Condicons of Plantacons where any
Such Land Shall appear to be due to Such Adventurer or
Planter respectively, he the Said Mr Edward LLoyd in Con-
venient time Causeing the Said warrts together with the parti-
cular demands or assignments upon which the Same Shall be
granted to be entred upon Record by his Lordps Secretary of
the Said Province who is to have his usual due ffees for Such
warrants & Entrys Given at Providence this 29th day of July
Anno Dni 1650
Wm Stone
Liber B.
By the Lieutent &c of Maryland
Liber B.
p. 169
Comission to the
Commander of
Annarundel County
William Stone Esq Lieutent General Chief
Governor and Commander &c of the Province
of Maryland by Comission from the Right
Honble Cecilius &c Baron of Baltemore Lord Proprietary of
the Same Province To Mr Edward LLoyd Gent Greeting,
upon the Great trust and Confidence by me reposed in your
fidelity courage and disretion, I doe by these presents consti-
tute appoint and authorise you the Said Mr Edward LLoyd to
be Commander of the County of Annarundell within our Said
Province and of all and every the Inhabitants thereof, And I
doe hereby Grant unto you all ffees perquisites and profits to
the Said Place or office belonging till the Said Lord Propriary
or his heirs Lords and Propriefs of this Province or his or their
Lieutenant or Chief Governor here for the time being Shall
Signifie his or their pleasure to the Contrary And I doe hereby
further Constitute appoint and authorise Mr James Homewood,
Mr Thomas Meares, Mr Thomas Marsh, Mr George Puddington,
Mr Matthew Hawkins, Mr James Merryman, and Mr Henry
Catlyn for the time aforesd to be Comissioners of the Said
County, with your Self for granting warrants and Summons
and for all other matters of Judicature with whome you are to
Consult in all matters of Importance concerning your Said
County, And to call and And appoint Courts to be kept within
and for the Sd County In which Courts you the Said Commander
or your Deputy (being one of the Said Comissioners) with any
three or more of the Said Comissionrs there present from time
to time are to hold Pleas and finally to determine all Causes
and Actions whatsoever Civill happening or ariseing between
any of the Inhabitants of the Said County of what value Soever,