House of
Lastly in the yeare 1644 the said Ingle being in that Coun-
try on a trading voyage, hee the said Cornwallis and one Brent
did by treachery surprize his Shipp & would have forc'd the
marriners to goe for Bristol to fight against the Parliament,
Calling them Rebells, and endeauored to force the Company
to take an Oathe that might engage the Marriners to pursue
the murderous intent of the said Cornwallis and Brent.
p. 109
March 31, 1646
Mr Cornewallis peticon
To the right honoble the Lords in Parliament assembled.
The humble peticon of Thomas Cornwaleys Esqr
Humbly sheweth,
That whereas yor peticr about a yeare & a halfe since did in
London deliver to Richard Ingle Mr of the Ship called the Re-
formacon, severall parcells of goods & wares amounting to the
value of 200ll to trade and in trust for yor peticr But the said
Ingle contrary to the trust reposed in him by yor peticr, did sell
& dispose of the said goods & wares to his own vse, for recovery
whereof yor peticr hath brought his accon at lawe against the
said Ingle. But the said Ingle vpon a peticon prferrd vnto yor
Lops vpon suggestion & prtence that the said goods were iustly
taken from yor peticr by force of warr in the province of Mari-
land hath pcured the order here unto annexed from yor Lops
whereby yor peticrs suit at lawe is stayed vntill yor Lops haue
heard the said cause.
That yor peticr wth his Counsell hath at his great charge
attended severall dales for hearing the said cause, and on Teus-
day the 17th of this instant March the same comeing to hearing
before yor Lops, yor Lops were pleased to appoint ffriday the
27th of this instant March to determyn the same at wch day yor
peticr againe attended wth his Counsell, but the said Ingle vpon
the said false suggestion having obteyned the stay of yor peticrs
suit at lawe did not attend according to yor Lops order but
doth now neglect to psecute his said peticon knowing the same
to be faigned & vntrue and in the meane time is gone or doth
indeavour to get out of the realme, whereby yor peticr is likely
to loose the benefit of his accon at lawe.
The humble suit therefore of yor peticr is That yor Lops
would be pleased to appoint a peremptory day for the
speedy hearing of the said cause, yor peticr being al-
together vnable to beare the great charge of attendance
wth Counsell yor peticr being spoyld of all his goods &
ruyn'd of his estate by the said Ingle; or to take off the