according to the Demeritts of these offences
And hee shall eur pray &cea
Mary Forde
A Charge to bee prefer'd by Mary ffoorde widdowe
against Captaine Cornwallis who stands vnder baile
to the Comtee of Examinacons to answer any matter
of ffact that shalbee objected against him there or
Whereas it is highly evident both by Letters and other Tes-
timonyes, that one Capt Cornwallis here in Towne, hath here-
tofore and still is a great Agent and factor for the setlinge of a
Popish faction in Mary-Land, to the great disadvantage and
affliction of the Protestants in that Country, who were long
before setled in Newe England and Virginia; Nowe in regard
of the Lord Baltimores poysned purposes, they subtilly pitcht
themselves betweene them, where they might more easely
mature theire designes, wch was to stick fast theire supstition,
and to Rob, murther, and destroy, what euer they should
meete in opposicon to them, in wch designes the said Corn-
wallis hath euer yett beene the cheife Actor.
Now for asmuch as they might make theire intents more
fruitfull, the said Cornwallis endeauored the plantinge of the
place (as it should seeme) with Childeren, although stole from
theire parents, in whome his principalls might bee the better
fixt, And to wch purpose hee stole from Mrs ffoord here in
towne two Childeren the one a boy about 3. or 4. yeares
ould, the other a daughter about 5. or 6. yeares of age, there
to bee brought according to his will, wch fact the mother of the
said Childeren is ready to craue Justice in.
In pursuance of the said busines the said Cornwallis did in
the Country of Virginia about 11: yeares since goe forth him-
selfe into the bay of Chesupiack a free place for trade, for all
the Inhabitants of Virginia, & theire meeting with a boate of
Virginia hee the saide Cornwallis would haue surpriz'd her but
the Virginians standing vpon theire Guards, the said Corn-
wallis from his owne lipps comannded the men in his owne
boate to shoote at them, hee having noe other ground to fix
this his Accon on, but the Lord Baltamores propriety wch hee
the said Lord had gained from his Maty in the wronge of the
Inhabitants of Virginia, as will more Clearely appeare when
time shall serve, hee the said Cornwallis by that comannd slew
an honnest Gentleman one Mr Warren and hurt others, wch
murther is yett by him vnanswered for.
House of