L. H.
The 1st Act Read againe, & ordered to bee somewhat
amended. And
ffurther Ordered that the Clerk of this howse this afternoone
draw up the foresd Bill anew, as is now debated, & gyuen him
in Charge by the howse. & prsent the same to this howse on
Munday Morning next.
The howse adiorned by Mr Speaker 'till Munday
morning next 8 a Clock.
Munday 16th Aprill 1666. 8 a Clock.
The howse Called. All present
Was read An Act Concerning the exportaon of Hydes &
other skins.
Ordered tht the 1st Act bee againe reuised & amended.
p. 27
Was Read the Pet.n of Willm Galloway for Boate hyre &c :
And the Petn of Henry Ward for payre of Stockins.
And the Petn of Philip Tho- time of his voyage, the
last Indian
And the Petn of the Inhabts of uisions pressd uppon
that Island
That whereas there haue more County, Anarundell
County drie some prsons in those Counties March,
in provisions, Boate hyre ged, are not yett
Ordered tht the of those
[One line missing]
cell for their Con- red to take such further order therein
Not only respecting those forementioned Counties, but
every respectiue Count in the Prouince.
Willm Bretton Clk.
Ordered tht the Clerk, (when the howse adiornes att dinner)
draw up this last order fayre, to bee presented to the Upper
Willm Calvert Esqr, Capt James Neale, & Maior Tho: Brooke
Lycensed by the speaker, to absent the howse for one howre.
Mr Speaker appoynted Coll Nath: Vtye, Mr Rich: Smyth, Mr
Thomas Thorowgood, & Mr Willm Coursey bee a Committee,
for the drawing up in forme those ffowre Acts or Bills, accord-
ing to the Order on Saturday last. And to amend tht Act
Concerning the ExportaOn of Hydes &c: & an Act Concern-
ing Ingrossers, & an Act Prohibiting all Seruants to keepe
Who accordingly went uppon their Charge.
Then the howse tooke the Indian Busines into their Con-
sideraon & debate.