Saturday 24th Aprill 1666. 7
The howse called All prnt Except who being called
& not appearing. a Contempt by the whole howse. A
Member bee fyned in 400l Tob.
Coll Nath: Vtye allso for his the beginning of the
Assembly s the first day of meeting of the Assembly
weather in a Capacity sent, yett hee
goeing out of the Prouince
Jn the affirmatiue
Ordered tht the
[One line missing]
was read
Jn the Negatiue not to pass
Then a Member motions tht another Bill not for High
Wayes, but only for the marking a way or path & making
heads of Rjuers, Creeks, & Swamps passable.
And putt, to the Vote. Whither this last motion bee iudged
necessary or not?
Jn the affirmatiue by the Maior Vote
Mr Speaker ordered Mr RobtSlye, Mr Robt Burle, & Mr
Willm Coursey, tht they prfect that Act Concerning Hides &
other skins wth an Addition as to prohibite the export of
Who went uppon their Charge.
Ordered tht a Committee att the meeting of the howse on
Munday morning next bee appoynted to draw up ffowre Bills
(viz') An Act for Recording of all proceedings in the Assem-
bly, in a fayre Journall, to bee putt into the Secretaries office,
to the view of all future Assemblies. An Act for Regulating
p. 25
Grails ffee. An Act prohibiting all prsons Indians
for any fleash, eyther aliue or An Act for marking out a
Com- Trees, & making all heads of Ry- able for
horse or foote, if possibly. bee thought necessary that a
of And where they find another, or haue
any unne- make report of the same. if the howse
soe thinke
[Two lines missing]
& prsents that Bill
[One line missing]
Prohibiting the Exportaon of Hydes &c
In the affirmatiue, to passe
p. 26