may bee gyuen all misunderstan-
[One line missing]
& the English
[Two lines missing]
will take into their ConsideraOn the death of tht Indian,
wch is killed, as is alleaged, Vppon hearing of the Jndian Eui-
dence, & other Circumstances relating thereto.
5 That wee are willing the Jndians haue a place ascertaynd
them where to Hue. And tht a mutuall care bee taken Con-
cerning the securing of their Corne ffeilds.
To the second Vppon Cholique his speech,
1 They willingly consent to a freindly Complyance wth the
Jndians: That they haue their Priuiledge desyred.
2 They thinke the Leauing of their Wifes & Children wth
the English, uppon their goeing to war agst their Enimies to
bee uery reasonable. But as to tht of Armes & Ammunition,
they leaue to the ConsideraOn of a Committee of both howses
to consider thereof.
3 They should bee glad to understand that the Jndians doe
really owne the power gyuen to the English, in the Choyce of
the Pascattoway Emperours.
L. H.
To the Third. Vppon Jsapatowan's
1 That his request Touching the the confirmaon of
that Jndian me more than Reason.
2 That if Emerson haue done throwing downe their
ffence as such mulct or penalty impo as the
nature of the of
This howse ing haue drawne up th doe
iudge it requisi read by Mr S Vpper howse,
The Committee into the Bills, (vizt, An Act
Concerning hogstealers & Concerning Coroners in each
County, to this howse's ConsideraOn
Was read An Act Concerning Hogstealers.
Ordered tht that Act bee amended. That an Addition bee
made for the Repealing those other Acts Concerning hog-
stealers. And another Addition allso, as touching Seruants
who shall steale hoggs: And likewise a Clause for recouering
the penalties in tht Act by course of Law. As allso touching
Accessaries & Abettors
Was read An Act Concerning Outlawries once Read
An Act Concerning Coroners &c: once Read
Was read the Petn of Jacob Bremington Touching the killing
of one serut by the Cinigo Jndians, & another serut wounded.
Jt appearing tht neither of those seruants was pressd, but
p. 19