L. H.
Vppon this Petn Ordered tht the Petn bee prsented to the
Vpper howse tomorrow morning, uppon the conference of
this howse wth them. And tht the Leiut Grall bee requested
to demand of the Doage Jndians (who are esteemed to bee
murtherers of the Petrs Wife & Child according to this Petn)
or other Jndians deputed for them to giue answere to the
Contents of this Petn
Signed Willm Bretton Clk
The former Committe went againe uppon their Charge
p. 17
Mr Speaker sent the Clk of this howse unto the Office, to
fetch the last Assembly's Lower howse Journall. the
Clerke of the office went to the Leiut Grall of this
howse. who made answere (as hee supposes) as att his
howse att for it, & it should bee ready here
Then motioned by Mr Speaker motion made the Last
Assembly to the Journal of the Lower howse used.
And whither it the better assertay
Jn the affirmative
Mr Edward Lloyd
[One line missing]
dians Proposalls understood not. (vizt
The meaning of the Jndians touching the Black or Red
signe signifying Death or Jniury, was tht they did desyre.
That as the English haue Lawes written wch they understood,
Soe uppon the Agreements now to bee made. They doe
desyre That they may haue a Stick or some such thing
marked wth a black Character, wch they may shew to their poe-
ple, & tell them, That that signifies, that there is a Law made
by Agreemt, That whosoeur shall from henceforth kill a man,
shall dye for it. And soe for other agreemts eyther wth Red
or white Characters.
As to the man alleeged to bee killed. They intended the
man killed att the head of Portobacco Creek uppon Coll ffowke
his Land ; about a wccke after the Murther of Mr Langworth's
children, ffor wch they formerly desyred six score Armes length
of Roanoke satisfaction: Protesting wth all, that they will nott
accept of any thing hereafter
John Gittings Clk.
p. 18
wch This howse resolue to debate thereon in
(One line missing]
red. That Certaine Reasons or Obiec- propo-
salls, bee drawne up, & debated as to the ffirst.
Speech to the Vpper howse.
idle discourse as well of English
[One line missing]