I. H.
for him & to mr speaker & this howse, according
tht busines, by their owne Messenger.
Putt to the Vote whither it bee iudged needfull tht a Bill
bee drawne up Concerning Outlawries & Coroners &c: yea or
Jn the affirmatiue by all (Except those of the Committee)
Was read those Two Acts formerly made & passed Con-
cerning Hogstealers
Putt to the Vote whither those Acts be sufficiently penall
yea or noe ? Before any further proceed made herein
The Committee Returnes, & presents this ensuing Paper to
Mr Speaker, (vizt)
Our Opinions are That no CessaOn be imposed uppon
the people of this Prouince
for these Reasons,
I Wee Conceiue our Cessation will rather encrease then
lessen the quantity of Tob. ffor it will encourage the poeple of
p. 7
those parts to plant Tob. when now there is ted.
2 A Cessaon shall disincowrage to these parts. Wee
not hauing the seeke for here.
3. Seamen shall not bee any other Comodity then Tob.
an excize & ffreight wch their purses.
4 A Cessaon or
[One line missing}
5 The Quantity of Tob doth not the want of shipps
to fetch it away: wch are not to bee expected 'till the Lord
pleases to remoaue the scourge of War and pestilence from
Our Nation.
Vppon these Reasons Mr Speaker requested each member
to deliuer his Opinion seuerally. As to a Cessation whither
necessary yea or noe?
The Maior Vote as That (as to the prsent State of the
Prouince wherein it now stands) Euery one bee left to his
liberty eyther for planting of Tob. or employing his time &
labour on other designes, as hee shall please.
Ordered tht that Busines Concerning Hogstealers bee first
Considered on, in the afternoone
The Howse adiorned by the Speaker 'till 2 a clock after-
Wednesday 2 a clock afternoone