Assembly Proceedings, April — May 1666. 65
more rise up togeather, The Speaker shall appoynt who may
speake first. And noe one may interrupt another, or speake
'till the other haue ended.
3 Noe one shall deliuer his opinion, or speake sitting to any
Bill Butt shall stand up reuerently, directing his speach to the
4 Euery Bill proposed to the howse, shall bee read three
seuerall dayes before it bee engrossed: & tht betwixt Euery
readyng, one day shall bee intermitted: unlesse uppon urgent
occasion the speaker shall dispence therewth; And then One
Bill being read two times att one sitting, shall bee sufficient as
read two seuerall dayes and times, when soe entred on the
Clerks Journall.
5. Noe one shall come into the howse of Assembly (whilst
L. H.
the howse is sitting) wth a sword, or other wea the same
by, in the hand of the Dore-keeper therto uppon penel
of ffine, as the shall thinke fitt.
6. Any of the One & Twenty m Assembly, wch shall
bee absent from poynted, shall bee fyned (after the
bled, according to the order discretion of the by
the speaker.
7. [Two lines missing.]
8 When any obiection thereto, The speaker shall
app speake to the sd Bill, & deliuer his Opinion first
the speaker shall thinke fitt & conuenient.
9. That during the Assembly Noe one whatsoeur eyther
Burgesse or Clerke shall utter any words, or make relaon of
any words spoaken in the howse to any Bill, or otherwise uppon
debate or conference, uppon such penalty as the howse shall
thinke fitt & impose.
10. Noe Whispering or priuate communicaon shallbee by
any Two or more members, concerning the debate of any Bill
in the howse or whillst the howse is sitting.
Mr Speaker then declared. That according to what was
yesterday proposed by the Chancelor in the Vpperhowse, as to
the motives why this assembly was called: And particularly
Concerning the prsent Trade of Tob. & Concerning the Indian
Busines. Hee thereuppon ordered Cap? James Neale, Mr
Thomas Thorowgood Mr Nicholas Young & Mr Richard Beard
a Committee to draw up in writing their Reasons Concer-
p. 5
of Tob. As eyther to a Stint, or to a Totall or
otherwise. Wth all to make report howses consideraon.
had as touching tht pticular busines their charge,
busines After debate thereon had WillmCoursey
a Messenger to the Upper tend to proceed on the
Indian haue conference. this howse who haue
[Three lines missing]
p. 6